This query returns the top 10 sessions from v$active_session_history. The result is ordered by total resources consumed by the session including I/O, WAITS and CPU
Be careful, this view is part of the diagnostic pack, you should not query this view if you don’t have license for it.
top 10 sessions from v$active_session_history
select * from ( select session_id, session_serial#, program, module, action, sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',0,1)) "CPU", sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',1,0)) - sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',decode(wait_class,'User I/O',1,0),0)) "WAITING" , sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',decode(wait_class,'User I/O',1,0),0)) "IO" , sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',1,1)) "TOTAL" from v$active_session_history where session_type='FOREGROUND' group by session_id,session_serial#,module,action,program order by sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',1,1)) desc) where rownum <11
You can restrict period of time analyzed by filtering with the sample_time column.